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About Us...
Teaching and Learning provides schools with information and resources to facilitate an increase in student performance. We provide access to professional development, instructional technology, instructional resources, and up-to-date information and technical assistance.
Need Help?
Michelle Hilton
Coordinator, Teaching and Learning
P: (806) 281-5842
E: mhilton@esc17.net
Our Teaching & Learning Team...
Profile Picture
Profile picture of Mary Castaneda
Mary Castaneda
P: 806-281-5739
E: mcastaneda@esc17.net
Jerard LaFuente
P: (806) 281-5878
E: jlafuente@esc17.net
Stephanie Larremore
P: 806-281-5825
E: slarremore@esc17.net
Lori Pittman
P: (806) 281-5832
E: lpittman@esc17.net
Angel Sidhu
P: 806-281-5788
E: asidhu@esc17.net
Allison Thomas
P: 806-281-5818
E: athomas@esc17.net
Jean Anne Williams
P: (806) 281-5894
E: jwilliams@esc17.net
Sabrina Blankenship
P: (806) 281-5844
E: sblankenship@esc17.net
Alyson Earhart
P: (806) 281-5877
E: aearhart@esc17.net
Profile Picture
Profile picture of Regan Lamberson
Regan Lamberson
P: 806-281-5789
E: rlamberson@esc17.net
Ashley Nelson
P: (806) 281-5721
E: anelson@esc17.net
Julie Rogers
P: (806) 281-5841
E: jrogers@esc17.net
Heather Tekell
P: (806) 281-5806
E: htekell@esc17.net

Our Teaching & Learning Support Staff

Kassi Walters
P: (806) 281-5830
E: kwalters@esc17.net
Debbie Trigo
P: (806) 281-5856
E: dtrigo@esc17.net
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